Monday, March 19, 2012

Keep the hands (and creativity) moving

For as long as I can remember I've always loved crafts. Anything that involved my hands and creativity was right up my alley. As a child it was fun to wander up and down the craft aisle in the local Pay Less Drugs (now, known as Rite Aid) and imagine the possibilities of what could be made.

When I was in 6th grade our class learned how to crochet and my mom once again helped me to figure it out. In terms of handicraft skills that are passed down the generations, my guess is that you are either a knitting family or a crochet family. Our family was definitely a crochet family. My great grandmother, so I am told, would crochet lace and all sorts of doilies and other things that can be found around the house.

Aside from 6th grade I haven't picked up a crochet hook in years. I think I did crochet a scarf in college, but that was it. So this winter I was inspired to crochet again when by chance I happened upon a ruffled scarf pattern online at the crochet spot.  A search through my sewing box, several You Tube videos later,  and I was back in action. It felt great. Just like an old friend, the familiar rhythm of creating something with your hands.  A scarf was perfect for a first item. It was good to practice the basic stitches and short enough to  give instant gratification and satisfaction. (Which is important when the only time to crochet is basically during naps and bedtime!)

Now my only problem is figuring out what to do next....

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