Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring = the season for walks outside

One of the main reasons I love spring is that it is perfect weather to go out for a walk. The summer gets over 100 degrees here, so walks are either very early in the morning (it hits 80 at like, what 8 AM?) or in the evenings when the sun goes down. The fall is also very good for going out for a walk, but by that point you need jackets and such...

Anyway, we went out for our first spring walk of the season. We just went up the street to the park nearby. We talked about the birds that we heard, the garbage cans on the street (yes, someone here is still infatuated with garbage trucks) and the trees. We saw kids playing soccer and a lot of rocks. I got a work out because I have a double stroller and three kiddies which means I am pushing a stroller and wearing a baby at the same time. The babies loved being outside. They had just eaten lunch so they were very relaxed and happy soaking up the sun.

I know, I know, this picture is worthless without pics. Instead just imagine the prettiest sunny day with the babes you love. That should do it.

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